Thursday, October 15, 2015

Top 10 staged media events

via Arcane Front

“Those in possession of absolute power can not only prophesy and make their prophesies come true, but they can lie and make their lies come true.” —Eric Hoffer

Fair and balanced and unbiased and impartial are just loaded words, spells cast on the unsuspecting by the magi of public relations. Whether it leans to the left or the right, a mainstream production or publication is ultimately a business that stands to lose much in the face of change. Thus, it deals not in change, but in the illusion of change, and serves not as a window to what is, but as a projector of the desires of its owners and sponsors.

Years ago, mainstream productions and publications set out to blur the line between reality and fantasy and consequently succeeded in making surveillance hip, saved millions transforming no-names into reality “stars”, and redefined entertainment as information. Contrary to popular belief, the masses have not relinquished worship altogether, they have only swapped idols.

Now more than ever, the image and the spectacle reign supreme, as does the spirit to root for opposing teams financed by the same promoter. We came for the show, but stayed for the show that became our lives. The circus came to town one day and never left… Fake news and reporters, staged events, blatant omissions, political spin, war propaganda, and more.

The balanced and unbiased corporate harlot media machine on the loose and at its most notorious…

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