Friday, November 13, 2015

"Telepathic” Genius Child Tested By Scientist

Dr. Diane Hennacy Powell is a neuroscientist with post doctoral training in psychiatry who served on the faculty of Harvard Medical School, and who is the author of several books including most recently “The ESP Enigma: The Scientific Case for Psychic Phenomena”. Her position is that the world is in the middle of a paradigm shift in its understanding of consciousness… and that it is in the new answers to the age-old questions about consciousness – what it really is, how it’s created, and where it exists – that the true bases for psychic phenomena are found. From there she espouses a field theory of consciousness, and makes her point by bringing to the table decades of published studies, experiments, anecdotes, and the conclusions of men such as Carl Jung and Albert Einstein on the nature of consciousness and time. She concludes that psychic phenomena appear to be real and a potential in everyone.

 Five-year-old prodigy Ramses Sanguino has astonished his mother by displaying signs of being telepathic. According to Nyx Sanguino, 32, Ramses is able to recite random numbers written in secret - and is now the focus of a scientific study on the subject. Nyx is used to being surprised by her child, who at just five is already learning seven languages and solving complex mathematical equations. The youngster from Los Angeles, California, is believed to be one of the top five savants in the world and Nyx posts videos of her son showing off his talents online. Now his exploits have even caught the eye of the respected neuroscientist - who is studying Ramses as part a cutting-edge research project into telepathy.

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