Monday, February 23, 2015

You are the universe observing itself - Alan Watts

"I myself have read a great deal of theological reasoning about the existence of God, and it all starts out along this line: If you are intelligent and reasonable, you cannot be a product of a mechanical and meaningless universe. Figs do not grow on thistles, grapes do not grow on thorns; therefore you, as an expression of the universe, as an aperture through which the universe is observing itself, cannot be a mere fluke.

Because if this world peoples, as trees bring forth fruit, then the universe itself - the energy which underlies it, what it is all about - must be intelligent.

Now when you come to that conclusion, you must be very careful, because you make an unwarranted jump to the further conclusion that that intelligence, that marvellous designing power which produces all of this, is the Biblical God.

Be careful."

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